Lean & Green: 0% CO2 emissions thanks to 100% collaboration

Reduce your CO2 emissions in transport and logistics with the Lean & Green initiative - at your pace. You decide yourself in which timeframe and with which measures you want to save how many relative CO2 percentages. During implementation, you receive valuable input and experience from the Lean & Green community. Every success is rewarded with an award.

The Lean & Green initiative was launched in Holland in 2008 on behalf of the government and has now established itself in 15 European countries and over 500 participating companies. One of the strengths of the initiative, in addition to the standardized approach to CO2 measurement and reduction, is the ongoing development by participants. Today, you can achieve up to 5 Lean & Green stars. A European label for internationally operating companies is also available.

Jan Eberle
Programme Manager Lean & Green Switzerland

Your benefit at a glance


Show your commitment with the Lean & Green logo, the Lean & Green Award and up to five Lean & Green stars


Become part of the international Lean & Green network and benefit from knowledge exchange


Create transparency in your measures towards your customers and partners


Reduce not only greenhouse gas emissions but also your costs


Make an individual contribution to protecting the environment 

How Lean & Green works

With your registration, you commit to creating an action plan tailored to your company to reduce CO2 emissions. If this passes the test by GS1 Switzerland, you will receive the Lean & Green Award. At the end of the action plan's term, you must have its success verified by an independent certification body. If you have achieved the goals, you will receive the first Lean & Green star. Two events per year, organized by GS1 Switzerland, serve as a platform for exchange with other participants. If you need support in creating the action plan or implementing it, you can call on coaches and solution providers from the Lean & Green community.

The community of Lean & Green Switzerland

3rd star winner
Lidl ★★★
Lidl Aktionsplan
Krummen Kerzers ★★★
Krummen Aktionsplan
2nd star winner
Schöni ★★
Schöni Aktionsplan
Coop ★★
Coop Aktionsplan
1st star winner
Post ★
Post Aktionsplan
Zingg ★
Zingg Aktionsplan
Spar ★
Spar Aktionsplan
Award winner
Aldi Suisse
Aldi Aktionsplan
Käppeli Logistik
Nestlé Suisse SA
Award Candidates
G.Leclerc Transport AG
Hugelshofer Logistik AG
Lagerhäuser Aarau
STEF Schweiz AG

Winner Lean & Green 3rd Star

Winner Lean & Green 2nd Star

Winner Lean & Green 1st Star

Winner Lean & Green Award

The Lean & Green Initiative

The Lean & Green initiative was launched in Holland in 2008 on behalf of the government and has now established itself in 15 European countries and over 500 participating companies. One of the strengths of the initiative, in addition to the standardized approach to CO2 measurement and reduction, is the ongoing further development by the participants. Today, up to 5 Lean & Green stars are achievable, and a European label for internationally operating companies is also available. 

What services do the companies benefit from

As a participant of Lean & Green Switzerland, you will receive access to the following benefits during your membership:

  • Use of the Lean & Green brand
  • Award of the Lean & Green Award or Lean & Green Star
  • Review of the action plan
  • Public relations
  • Knowledge exchange in the international Lean & Green network and in the GS1 Switzerland network (e.g. events)

The certification institute must be commissioned directly by you.

How is the procedure?

  1. Register for the Lean & Green initiative according to the Regulations.
    Fill out the registration form and send it by e-mail to GS1 Switzerland. Please note the participation fees.
  2. Decide whether you would like to engage a coach.
    Find a list of coaches and providers here.
  3. Create the Action Plan and send it to GS1 Switzerland.
  4. Decide if you want to engage Solution Providers to implement the measures and if so, which ones? Here you will find a list of providers.
  5. GS1 Switzerland will review the action plan and approve or reject it.
  6. Once the action plan is approved, you can start implementing the measures.
  7. Create a semi-annual monitoring report and send it to GS1 Switzerland.
  8. You receive the Lean & Green Award during the Lean & Green Award event.
  9. You commission a certification institute for a Lean-&-Green-Audit, as soon as the objectives have been achieved or all measures have been taken. Cost estimates are available upon request from GS1 Switzerland.
  10. Conduct the audit with the certification institute and send the result to GS1 Switzerland.
  11. If successful, you will be awarded the Lean & Green Star.

Lean & Green - Across Europe

Lean & Green is now established in 15 countries and at over 500 companies.

Presentation of the Lean & Green Awards 2021 as part of the SLA 2021.

The Lean & Green Awards were presented this year for the first time as part of the Swiss Logistics Awards on June 16, 2021. We congratulate Schöni Transport on the award, Swiss Post and Krummen Kerzers on the first star and Coop as the first company in Switzerland on the second star.
Read the report on the award ceremony here.

Video of the award ceremony 2021

Presentation of the Lean & Green Awards 2022 as part of GS1 Excellence Days 2022

The Lean & Green Awards 2022 were presented for the first time in 2022 as part of the GS1 Excellence Days and the Swiss Logistics Award 2022 on June 8, 2022.  

Read the report on the award ceremony here.

Presentation of the Lean & Green Awards 2023 as part of GS1 Excellence Days 2023

The Lean & Green Awards 2023 were presented as part of the GS1 Excellence Days and the Swiss Logistics Award 2023 on 31 May 2023.