Classification as a prerequisite
GPC stands for Global Product Classification and enables the worldwide classification of products. The classification system is a prerequisite for the exchange of master data via GDSN, trustbox and for the GTIN Registry.
The GPC classification standard supports you in developing product range analyses as well as sales statistics and is an important component in category management, because products are easier to find via the GPC.
The GPC hierarchy has four levels and consists of segment, family, class, and building block. The building block is the core of the GPC and describes a category of similar products, e.g. milk. This is also the difference compared to the GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), which identifies exactly one product. A building block, on the other hand, can include several different products, i.e. several GTINs.
Example of a jar of jam

Segment | Food / Beverages / Tobacco Products |
Family | processed / processed food |
Class | sweet spreads |
Building Block (brick) | Jams / Jellies / Preserves |
Brick Code | 10000217 |
- In most cases, a single brick code applies to all products in the range.
- Use the online help -> GPC Browser